Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Moon Landings Werent Faked - 2113 Words
â€Å"Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed†(â€Å"Neil Armstrong†). The 60s were an interesting decade for The United States of America. Richard M. Nixon had been inaugurated as the 37th President, but he had created such a scandal with Watergate that he had resigned soon after and had the Vice President Gerald Ford take over in his shameful leave. The US had decided to hold the second draft lottery in order to find men to serve in the upcoming Vietnam War. This meant that the Selective Service System would conduct a lottery like situation drawing both a sequence number and a date would be drawn to select the next men serving in the war. A fatal event happened when Senator Edward M. Kennedy was in a car accident with Mary Jo†¦show more content†¦Luckily no one was inside. Over the time that had separated Apollo 11 from the previous mission, NASA had fixed many of the faulty equipment and even tested the rocket out several times. Even though NA SA made it to the moon, many theorists are not easily convinced. Although there are many inconsistencies of the moon landing in 1969, evidence shows that this was the first successful journey to the moon. Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of mans desire to understand. (Neil Armstrong). As a boy, Neil always dreamed about becoming an astronaut. He was cut out for it and had the intellectual capabilities. Neil had played with airplanes and other replicas of machines that were able to fly. He also enjoyed science. He had a scientist’s kit as a kid and had been able to perform college education labs and procedures at the age of eight due to his exploring and capability of knowing what chemical to mix and how to solve many of the problems he encountered. Once his job became his dream, Neil gave this quote to be able to justify his decisions. One of many supporting pieces of evidence that the moon landing happened is moon rocks that were brought back from the journey. â€Å"These rocks were something you would have never seen before. Scientists knew from the moment they saw those rocks that, they were from aShow MoreRelatedMoon Landing Conspiracy807 Words  | 4 Pag esScientific Facts for Moon Landing Conspiracy Theorists: An Essay on the Apollo 11 Conspiracies Tatiana Odishoo Ms. Betances, English 1 Pre-IB Global Issue Research Paper June1, 2011 Odishoo, Tatiana Ms. Betances/ English 1 Pre-IB Per.5 Global Issue Draft 20 May 2011 Scientific Facts for Moon Landing Conspiracy Theorists People around the globe are familiar with the triumphant words, â€Å"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.†However, nearly 20% (Russo) believe they wereRead MoreReasons the Moon Landings Could Be a Hoax1531 Words  | 7 PagesArmstrong, the first man to supposedly land on the moon. 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